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3 days in Istanbul - part 2

今天我们将继续了解伊斯坦布尔。Day 2(第二天)Shop till you drop(购物购到手软)Start your day at the colorful and bustling Grand Bazaar.(从多彩而热闹的Grand Bazaar开启新的一天)There are thousands of shops with everything.(上千家商店展示着一切商品)From gold and silver to beautiful Turkish rugs.(有金器有银器还有美丽的土耳其地毯)You’ll find plenty of souvenirs here to take home with you.(你将在这里看到许多值得带回家的纪念品)Then head north and continue to the fabulous spice market.(接着向北走,继续探索这绝佳的香料市场)For a quick lunch, go to one of Istanbul's pastry shops.(快快吃过早餐后,走向伊斯坦布尔的面饼店)Try a borek.(尝试吃吃borek)A pastry with a cheese or meat filling.(一种夹着芝士和肉馅的饼)It’s delicious.(十分美味)Spend the rest of your day exploring the fashionable area of Nisantasi.(在时尚的Nisantasi地区度过你一天中剩余的时光)They have designer shops, exciting nightlife.(他们有奢侈品店,令人兴奋的夜生活)Are you ready to shop?(准备好去购物了吗)This is the end of day 2.(这就是第二天)But finish your day at one of Istanbul's famous Turkish baths.(但记得去伊斯坦布尔最有名的土耳其浴场结束这一天)现在请回答以下几个问题:What can you do at Grand bazaar?(在Grand bazaar里可以做什么)What is the name of the neighborhood of the designer shops?(奢侈品店附近的地区叫什么)How can you end your day in Istanbul?(如何在伊斯坦布尔结束你的一天)What does shop till you drop mean?(Shop till you drop是什么意思)


