此处所有课程免费,但练习为VIP学员专属。 现在就成为VIP!

A different exercise: what's the subject? part 1

今天这节课我们将继续与上一节课相同的练习,请根据科目的描述猜测科目的名称:First subject. In this subject we run short and long distance.(第一个科目,我们在这节课上短跑或者长跑)And this is part of PE, physical education class. What is this subject?(这是体育的一部分,这是什么学科)Next one. Students learn to sing in this music class. There are lots of students singing together.(下一个,学生在音乐课上学习唱歌,许多人一起歌唱)Next one, in this subject, students study people and events long time ago or from a more recent time. (下一个,这节课上学生们学习很久以前的事情或者近期一些的事情)They are very important things that happen both in our country or in the world.(这些都是发生于我们国家或全世界的很重要的事)Next one. In this subject, students learn to act how to be actors or actresses.(下一个科目,在这个课上学生们学习如何表演)请根据以上描述猜测每一个学科的名称是什么。


