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A text about health part 2

今天我们将继续学习如何保持健康。The first step into great health is just start moving, start exercising, but don’t forget to take a break.(首先要变得健康只需要开始运动,开始锻炼,但是也不要忘了适当休息)A break from work sometimes is very important.(工作期间的休息是十分重要的)Our bodies can’t go go go all day.(我们的身体不能全天运作)We need to take regular breaks.(我们需要适当休息)If work is stressing you out, take a few deep breaths.(如果工作使你感到压力巨大,试着做几个深呼吸)Try relaxation technique.(尝试使用放松的方法)For example, meditation or take a ten-minute walk to relax.(例如做冥想或者散步十分钟以放松自己)Make sure you choose good food to eat. (确保你选择吃健康的食物)When you are stressed, do you reach for a cookie?(当你有压力的时候你会吃曲奇饼吗)Do you like to eat sweets when you are stressed?(当你感到压力时你会吃甜食吗)Don’t snack on junk food.(不要吃零食或垃圾食品)Plan ahead and keep healthy snacks.(提前计划,吃健康的零食)That’s very important.(这十分重要)When you go shopping, only buy healthy foods for your next meal.(当你购物时,只买你下一顿的健康食物)If you have to order fast food, choose something light.(如果你不得不购买快餐,选择一些轻量的食物)Go easy with the dressing.(配料也不要选得太复杂)Add a healthy side dish like salad or fruit or vegetables.(选择健康的副食,例如沙拉、水果或者蔬菜)


