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Advice and suggestions part 6

今天我们将继续复习It’s easy/important/hard/nice to…这类的不定式。请看以下对话:We’re going hiking in mountains this weekend, what should we take?(我们这周末要去山里徒步,我们应该带上什么)You should take an insect repellent kit, there’re a lot of mosquitos there, it’s important to prevent from insects’ bite.(你应该带上驱蚊剂,山里有很多蚊子,防止蚊虫叮咬很重要)We’re going skiing for the first time next month.(下个月我们将第一次滑雪)You know, it’s easy to get a sunburn. So don’t forget to use your sunscreen.(你知道,那很容易晒伤,所以不要忘记用防晒霜)

Give me more information.(给我更多信息)I want to go backpacking in Asia on my next vacation.(下次度假我要在亚洲背包旅行)Then you need to pack a lot of light clothes. My mom and I are planning to go to Asia too.(你需要带很多薄的衣服,我妈妈和我也计划去亚洲)Give me more suggestions.(给我更多的建议)My sister and I are planning a shopping trip in Hong Kong.(我姐姐和我计划去香港购物)Then, you really should take an empty suitcase with you.(那么你们真的应该带一个空箱子)What else should she take?(她还应该带什么)It’s my friend’s birthday on Friday, she’s planning an all-night party.(周五是我朋友的生日,她计划了一个通宵派对)In that case, you should take your pajamas with you.(那么你应该带上你的睡衣)What else should she take?(她还应该带上什么)I’m going on a camping trip but I’m scared of the dark.(我想要去露营,但是我怕黑)Why don’t you take a flashlight?(你为什么不带上手电筒呢)


