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Are you doing anything to stay healthy? II

今天我们将继续学习Stay healthy(保持健康)。今天我们将再听几个人谈论他们各自如何保持健康:The first person is Karman.(第一个人是Karman)Um, right now I’m trying to lose weight before my school reunion. (嗯,现在我正努力在开学返校前减肥)So, I am drinking these diet drinks for dinner.(所以我晚餐时喝这些节食饮料)Maylin(第二个人是Maylin)Well I walk everywhere because I don’t have a car.(我没有车,所以我去哪儿都走路)So, I think I get enough exercise.(我觉得我锻炼得够多了)The Parks(Park夫妇)Yeah, we exercise 6 days a week.(是,我们一周锻炼6天)We go swimming every other day.(我们每隔一天就去游泳)In between we go to the gym.(期间我们去健身房)So once in a while we go hiking.(我们偶尔还去登山远足)现在请试着回答以下几个问题:What is Karman doing to stay healthy?(Karman是如何保持健康的)Does Maylin walk?(Maylin走路吗)How often do the Parks exercise?(Park夫妇健身频率如何)Do the Parks go hiking?(Park夫妇登山远足吗)


