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Exercise what time is it?

我们今天将听一些事件,然后根据所听事件回答一些问题。在英语中,我们称事件为Event。让我们先来来了解这些事件:There is a concert at the park.(公园里有一场音乐会)The concert is at midnight.(音乐会在午夜举办)There is a soccer game at the stadium.(体育场里有一场足球赛)The soccer game is at 2 o’clock.(足球赛在2点举办)There is an art exhibition at the gallery.(画廊里有一场艺术展)The art exhibition is at 9.(艺术展在9点举办)现在试着回答以下问题:Where is the concert?(音乐会在哪举办)What time is the concert?(音乐会几点开始)Where is the soccer game?(足球赛在哪举办)What time is the soccer game?(足球赛在几点举办)Where is the art exhibition?(艺术展在哪里举办)What time is the art exhibition?(艺术展在几点举办)


