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Expressions to use on the phone part 3

今天我们来继续学习电话交谈中经常使用的短语,我希望你们在屏幕面前多多练习。He was trying to talk to Angela on the phone but he couldn't (Nathan之前尝试给Angela打电话但没有拨通). Nathan is calling Angela again (现在Nathan又给Angela打电话). A: Hello! (你好!). N: Finally (终于接了!). N: It's hard to get ahold of you (给你打电话可真难). A: Hey, Nathan. You're not that easy to reach, either (Nathan,我给你打电话也没那么容易。). N: You spend a lot more time on the phone than I do (你比我用电话的时间多多了). A: Oh, Nathan. That's because I get more calls (那是因为我要接的电话很多). N: No. You just talk more (你只是说得太多). Anyway, I was calling before 'cause my boss had free tickets to the Sting concert tonight (我给你打电话是因为我们老板之前有今晚Sting演唱会的免费门票). A: Oh, great! What time? (几点?). N: Well, it's too late now (为时已晚). N: He gave them to someone else (他已经给别人了). A: Oh, no! Why didn't you send me a text message? (为什么你不给我发短信呢?). 请回答以下问题:Is it easy to talk to Angela on the phone? (给Angela打电话容易吗?). Does Nathan talk on the phone more than Angela? (Nathan比Angela打电话的时间更久吗?). Are they going to the concert? (他们要去演唱会吗?). 请在下方评论中告诉我你们的答案,我们下次课见!


