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Infinitives for reasons part 3

今天我们将做一个练习,请听一段独白然后根据内容回答一些问题:I am going to Tokyo to study Japanese next month.(下个月我将去东京学习日语)I am staying with a family on an exchange program.(我将通过一个交换生项目住在一户人家里)I just got my Visa.(我刚刚取得了签证)Wow! So, is it necessary to learn some Japanese before you go?(哇,那么你在出发之前有必要学习一些日语吗)Well, yea. it’s nice to say thank you and things.(嗯,是的,会说谢谢以及一些话会很好)It’s important to know a few expressions, I think so I want to get a phrasebook to read on the plane.(了解一些表达很重要,我觉得我要在飞机上阅读一些常用词组手册)I need to go to buy a guidebook to get some ideas for sightseeing, too.(我还要买一本旅游手册了解一些观光景点)So, is it easy to get around Tokyo?(在东京附近出行轻松吗)Well, they say it's not hard to use the subway but I heard it's easy to get lost when you're walking around.(嗯,他们说乘地铁并不难,但是自己四处走就很容易迷路)I need to go to the bank to change some money, too.(我还需要去银行换一些钱)I heard it's good to have some cash.(我听说带现金会很好)You know, you need to carry some cash to pay for taxis and things.(你知道,你得带着现金付打车费或买些东西)Isn't it possible to pay for everything with a credit card?(不能用信用卡支付所有东西吗)Not really. It's not easy to do that!(不能,不太可能那样)现在请回答以下问题:Where is this guy going?(这个人要去哪里)What is he going to study during his flight?(他在飞机上将学习什么)Does he need to exchange money?(他需要去换钱吗)


