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Infinitives for reasons part 4

今天我们将听一则故事,之后请根据故事内容回答问题。My friends are planning a trip to Ecuador.(我朋友们计划将去厄瓜多尔)They want to visit Galápagos.(他们将去加拉帕戈斯)They're going to call a hotel near the airport.(他们将给机场附近的一家酒店打电话)They want to make a reservation for one night.(他们要预定一晚住宿)They have to go to the bank.(他们得去银行)They need to change some money.(他们要换一点钱)They're going to the drugstore.(他们将去药店)They want to buy some travel-size toiletries.(他们要买一些旅行装)现在请使用“to”将以下句子连接起来,例如:My friends are going to Ecuador. They want to visit Galápagos. My friends are going Ecuador to visit Galápagos.(我朋友们计划去厄瓜多尔,去加拉帕戈斯)They are going to call a hotel near the airport. They want to make a reservation for one night. They are going to call a hotel near the airport to make a reservation for one night.(他们将给机场附近一家酒店打电话,预定一晚住宿)


