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Location expressions in the city part 1

今天我们将学习用英语表达方位,我们这节课将学习三个方位:Behind(后面)Next to(旁边)In front of(前面)。请学习以下例句:Is there a coffee shop near your house?(你家附近有咖啡店吗)Yes, there is. (是的,有咖啡店)There is a coffee shop in front of my house.(我家前面有一家咖啡店)There is a coffee shop behind my house.(我家后面有一家咖啡店)There is a coffee shop next to my house.(我家旁边有一家咖啡店)Is there a bakery near your house?(你家附近有面包房吗)Yes, there is.(是的,有面包房)No, there isn’t.(不,没有面包房)现在请回答以下问题:Is there a bank near your house?(你家附近有银行吗)Is there a bakery close to your house?(你家边上有面包房吗)Is there a supermarket close to your house?(你家附近有超市吗)Is there a restaurant close to your house?(你家旁边有餐馆吗)



