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Questions about phone conversations

今天我们来练习电话交谈,请回答以下问题:What can you say when you ask to speak to someone? (当你请求和别人通话的时候应该说什么?).  What can you say when you leave a voicemail message? (当你要语音留言的时候应该说什么?). What can you say when you want someone to return your call? (当你要别人给你回电的时候你应该说什么?). What can you say when you need to interrupt the conversation because you have another call? (当你要中断当前通话并接听另外的呼入电话是你应该说什么). What can you say when you call someone by mistake? (当你打错电话了应该说什么?). What can you say when you can't hear some of the other person's words? (当你听不清别人说话的时候应该说什么?). What can you say when the phone call suddenly ends? (当电话意外中断了应该说什么?). 请把你的回答评论在下方,我们下次课见!


