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Questions in the past using "did" and "was/were"

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora questions (preguntas). Vocabulary (vocabulario). Grammar (gramática). "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). Comment your examples in English (comenta tus ejemplos en inglés). A sore throat (un dolor de garganta). You can listen to me (tú escuchame). Question (pregunta). Listen to the question (escucha la pregunta). Pause the video (pausa el video). Answer the question in front of the screen (contesta la respuesta frente a la pantalla). Answer the question (contesta la respuesta). Where was your mother born? (donde tu madre nació?). Was your father born there, too? (tu padre nació allá también?). Where did you live when you were young? (dónde viviste cuando eras jóven?). Did you grow up in a big city? (creciste en una grande ciudad?). Who was your best friend in school? (quien era tu major amigo en la escuela?). How long were you friends? (por cuanto tiempo eran amigos?). Did you and your best friend ever argue? (tu y tu mejor amigo alguna ves discutieron?). What did you fight about? (por qué peleavas?). Who took care of you when you were little? (quien cuidaba de tí cuando eras pequeño?). Did your mother have a job? (tu madre tenia un trabajo?). Did your father have a job when you were a child? (tu pare tenia un trabajo cuando eras jóven?). Did you ever get in trouble? (alguna ves metiste en problema?). Where was your favorite place in your city when you were young? (donde era tu lugar preferido en tu ciudad cuando eras jóven?). Answer these questions (contesta estas preguntas). Comment the video (comenta el video). Complete the exercises at www.tuaprendesahora.com (completa los ejercicios en el website). See you next class!


