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The Online Photography Club

今天我们将学习Online Photography Club(在线摄影俱乐部)。请看以下有关俱乐部的介绍:Welcome to the online photography club.(欢迎来到在线摄影俱乐部)Do you want to learn how to take better pictures?(你想学习如何拍出更好的照片吗)Are you ready to buy a new camera?(你准备好买一个新相机了吗)Do you need more information?(你需要更多的信息吗)You just want to talk with other photography friends.(或者你只是想和其他喜欢摄影的朋友们交流)You can do all these things here and more.(你们都可以在这里做这些所有事)Online photography club is a website.(在线摄影俱乐部是一个网站)This website is divided into sections.(网站有许多版块)Chat groups.(聊天群组)What kind of photography are you interested in doing?(你对哪种摄影感兴趣)Do you like to take pictures of people, of animals?(你喜欢拍摄人物或动物吗)Join your own chat group.(加入属于你自己的聊天群组吧)We also have Photograph of the Month.(我们还有月度佳片版块)Enter your photo to the competition.(你可以用自己的摄影作品参赛)Send your best photo and win a digital camera.(发送自己最好的摄影作品来赢取一部数码相机)Ask our advice.(寻求建议版块)So, if you think you have a great photograph, but you are not sure, no problem.(如果你觉得你一有一张很好的相片但是你又不确定,没有问题)Send us and we will tell you.(把相片发送给我们,我们将告诉你)We also have monthly newsletter.(我们还有月度新闻)In photography, there’s always something new to learn.(摄影总是学无止境)Click here to have some ideas and tips for our readers.(点击此处查看我们为读者们提供的一些想法与建议)Shopping tips, get information for prices, best places to shop, mini lessons for beginners.(购买建议,价格信息,最佳商店,初学者迷你课程)So, if you love to take photos. But you don’t know much about it, then this is the great place to start.(如果你喜欢摄影,但是你对摄影了解不多,那么这个俱乐部会是个绝佳的起点)People who need help about photography can have the help of Jeffery.(需要摄影相关帮助的人可以在这里得到Jeffery的帮助)Jeffery is a great photographer. (Jeffery是一个很好的摄影师)He wants to learn some new things.(他想学习一些新事物)So, which section should Jeffery look for?(那么Jeffery可以看什么版块)Melisa would like to sell a photograph to a magazine.(Melisa想要将一些摄影作品卖给一家杂志)She wants opinions about it.(她想要相关的建议)Which section do you recommend to Melisa?(可以推荐Melisa哪个版块)Ken is a beginner photographer.(Ken是名摄影初学者)He wants to learn more.(他想要了解更多)Which section do you recommend to him?(你建议他哪个版块)


Life, People, Habits, Hobby


