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There is, There are

今天我们将学习There is和There are(那里有)。There is后面跟着的是单数名词,而There are后面跟着的则为复数名词。我们来看一下以下例句:There is a student here.(这儿有一名学生)There are lots of cars in the streets.(街上有许多汽车)There is a very good singer here.(这儿有一名非常好的歌手)There are many problems on the internet.(互联网上有很多的问题)There is a restaurant here.(这里有一个餐馆)我们再来比较一下There is/There are的肯定句、否定句以及疑问句形式:There is a book on the table.(桌子上有一本书)There isn’t a book on the table.(桌子上没有一本书)Is there a book on the table?(桌子上有一本书吗)There are many cars in Hangzhou.(杭州有许多汽车)There aren’t many cars in Hangzhou.(杭州没有许多汽车)Are there many cars in Hangzhou?(杭州有许多汽车吗)


