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Unusual hotels around the world part 5

今天我们继续不同寻常得酒店这一话题。Salt, salt, everywhere.(到处都是盐)The Hotel de la Playa in Bolivia is certainly different.(玻利维亚的Hotel de la Playa显然与众不同)It's almost completely made of salt.(它几乎完全由盐构成)The walls, tables, chairs, beds.(墙体、桌面、椅子、床)Everything, except the toilets.(除了卫生间以外的一切都是由盐构成)While we were there, we visited Fisherman's Island.(我们在那里参观了渔民岛)With its fabulous 12-foot cacti.(那里有12英寸高的仙人掌)It's fun to rent mountain bikes, to go and see the salt hills, lakes and hot springs.(租山地自行车去看盐山、盐湖还有温泉很有趣)Just be sure to take sunglasses.(记得带上墨镜)The sun gets extremely bright.(阳光十分强烈)现在请回答以下问题:Where is the hotel de la Playa?(这间酒店在哪里)In Hotel de la Playa, there are many things made of salt. What is not made of salt in Hotel de la Playa?(酒店很多东西都是由盐构成,请问什么东西不是盐构成的)What should you take when you travel to Hotel de la Playa? And why?(你去这间酒店应该带上什么?为什么)Would you like to stay at this hotel?(你想住这样的酒店吗)


