此处所有课程免费,但练习为VIP学员专属。 现在就成为VIP!

What's this? What's that?

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora What's this? (que es esto?). It's a book (es un libro). A: What's this? (que es esto?). B: It's a book (es un libro). What's that? (que es aquello?). It's a car (es un coche). These (estos). What are these? (que son estos?). They're my papers (ellos son mis papeles). What are those documents? (cuales son aquellos documentos?). They're my contracts (ellos son mis contractos). What's this? (que es esto?). It's ... (es). What are...? (que son/cuales son). They're... (ellos son). What's this? (que es esto?). It's a cellphone (es un celular). What are these? (que són estos). They're a cellphone and a watch (son un celular y un reloj). What's...? (que es/cuál es). It's... (es/está). What are...?  (que són/están). They're... (ellos son/están). www.tuaprendesahora.com. I'm here to help you (estoy aqui para ayudarte). See you next class!



