188 Restaurant advertisement

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora restaurant advertisement (anuncios de restaurantes). Asian Stir-fry (asiático salteado). 1,00 added with tofu (1,00 adicional con tofu). ...

189 Restaurant advertisement II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora restaurant advertisement (anuncios de restaurante). Are you understanding our classes? (tú estás comprendendo nuestras clases?). Explanation at ...

288 How to write an e-mail, a letter, an invitation in English

今天我们将学习如何用英文写email,请学习以下email的范例:Dear John, I am writing this email to invite you to my birthday.(亲爱的约翰,我写电子邮件是想邀请你来我的生日)Next month is my birthday.(下个月就是我生日)We’ll going to celebrate it here at home.(我们将在家过生日)Please invite ...

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