26 Important expressions and answers

生活中我们经常会遇到别人对我们表示感谢或者抱歉的情形。我们往往在他人对我们说“谢谢”时回应他们“不客气、不用谢”,在别人说“对不起”时回应他们说“没关系”。那么我们今天将学习如何用英语回应他人的感谢与道歉。当别人对你说Thank you(谢谢你)时,你可以回答他们You’re welcome!(不客气);当别人对你说Thanks(谢谢)时,你可以回应他们Sure(不客气)。而当别人对你说I’m sorry(对不起)时,你可以回答说No problem!(没事儿)或者It’s OK!(没关系)。当你问一个人问题时,倘若他不知如何回答,他可能会说I’m sorry! I don’t know.(对不起,我不知道)而此时你可以回应说No problem, It’s OK. Thanks anyway!(没关系,还是谢谢你!)  

148 Conversation strategy - anyway

今天我们将学习一些由Go或Get组成的短语。含有Go的短语有:Go out(出去)、Go on a trip(去旅行)、Go hiking(去登山)、Go running(去跑步)。含有Get的短语有:Get lost(迷路)、Get sick(生病)、Get along with(与…相处)请试着回答以下几个问题:Where did you go last night?(你昨晚去了哪里)Where did you go last Sunday?(上个周日你去了哪里)Where did you go on ...

233 "Really", "not really" + 4 most used verbs

今天我们将学习一个英文词Really(真的)。Really在英文中的使用很广,例如:I really enjoy eating chocolate.(我真的很喜欢吃巧克力)I really like my dogs.(我真的很喜欢我的狗)I really think China is a nice country.(我真的觉得中国是个很好的国家)I really want to do something.(我真的要做点事情)I really want to go ...

234 Answer the questions using "really" and "not really"

今天我们将复习巩固Really与Not Really。请试着用这两个表达回答以下几个问题:Do you go to school every day?(你每天都去学校吗)Do you like to be with your friends?(你喜欢和你的朋友们在一起吗)Does your best friend lives in the United States?(你最好的朋友生活在美国吗)Do you speak ...

479 Expressions to use on the phone part 1

今天我们来学习关于打电话的短语表达. 请根据上下文理解。A:Good afternoon. Sun Company (下午好,我们是太阳公司). N: Hello. Could I speak to Angela, please? (您好,请问Angela在吗?). R: One moment, please (请稍等). Voicemail: Angela Bell is on ...

480 Expressions to use on the phone part 2

今天我们继续学习关于打电话的短语表达.  B: Hello? N: Oh, Angela? B: No. This is Beth (不,我是Beth). N: Oh, I'm sorry (很抱歉). I think I have the wrong number (我想我拨错电话了). B: ...

481 Questions about phone conversations

今天我们来练习电话交谈,请回答以下问题:What can you say when you ask to speak to someone? (当你请求和别人通话的时候应该说什么?).  What can you say when you leave a voicemail message? (当你要语音留言的时候应该说什么?). What can ...

482 Expressions to use on the phone part 3

今天我们来继续学习电话交谈中经常使用的短语,我希望你们在屏幕面前多多练习。He was trying to talk to Angela on the phone but he couldn't (Nathan之前尝试给Angela打电话但没有拨通). Nathan is calling Angela again (现在Nathan又给Angela打电话). A: Hello! (你好!). N: Finally ...

495 Phone expressions in context part 2

今天我们继续根据上下文理解并学习关于电话交谈的短语。 E: Tommy? It's Ellen. You won't believe it (你绝对不相信). T: Sorry, Ellen (不好意思,Ellen). Can you hold on a minute? (你能等我一下吗?). I have to turn the ...

496 Phone expressions in context part 3

今天我们继续在上下文中学习电话交谈中的用语. N: Hi, Akemi! I have some good news (我有一些好消息). A: Oh, I'm sorry. ___ I have another call (我有另外一通电话). N: Sure, go ahead (claro, ...

497 Phone expressions in context part 4

今天我们来做关于电话交谈的练习,请根据上下文填空。A: So yeah. I just read on a friend's social networking page that (我看到一位朋友社交网络上写。。。). B: Oh, ___… I need my charger (哦,___,我需要充电器). OK. Got it. ...

498 Just part 1

今天我们来学习关于Just. 我们使用Just来更简短的表达我们意图。 I need to study English (我需要学习). I just need to study English (我仅仅只需要学习). I just need to charge my phone (我只需要给我手机充电). I just need ...

499 Just part 2

今天我们继续学习Just。我读句子,你们在合适的地方填入“Just”。例如:I need to ask you a few questions (我需要问你几个问题). I just need to ask you a few questions (我只需要问你几个问题). Can you wait a minute? (你等等一会儿吗?). ...

500 Just part 3

今天我们继续学习“Just”。请在对话中合适的地方加入“Just” 例如:A: Hi there. Do you have a minute? (你好!你有时间吗?). I want to tell you some good news (我想告诉你一些好消息). B: Really? Hold on a second ...

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