226 Music

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora music (música). Music styles (estilos de música). “Like” this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). ...

235 Online forum for hobbies

今天我们将学习Hobbies(爱好)。请听以下一段文本,并回答相应问题:First person: I’d like to do something outdoors.(第一个人:我想做一些户外活动)But I’m not interested in running or jogging.(但是我对跑步与慢跑不感兴趣)I’m not good at sports, like tennis or basketball.(我不擅长运动,诸如网球、篮球我都不擅长)Actually, I don’t ...

238 Online forum for hobbies IV

今天我们将继续学习网上论坛,今天的论坛内容如下:This person said: I am interested in learning the musical instrument.(这个人说:我对学习乐器感兴趣)I also want to join a band.(我还想加入一支乐队)Play with other people.(和他人一起演奏)I don’t have a lot of ...


Life, People, Hobby

242 People and their hobbies

今天我们将继续学习Hobbies(爱好)。谈论兴趣爱好在日常口语交际中十分实用。请听以下两段叙述,并回答相关问题。I enjoy singing and I want to start a jazz band.(我喜欢唱歌,我想组建一支爵士乐队)I’m looking for piano and trumpet player.(我正在寻找钢琴家和小号手)Please email me at piano@gmail.com(请发送邮件至piano@gmail.com)请问这个人感兴趣的是宠物、烹饪、音乐还是冬季运动?下一则叙述:I love to take pictures, ...


Life, People, Habits, Hobby

243 Messages about hobbies

今天我们将继续学习兴趣爱好,请听以下两则叙述并回答他们各自的爱好是什么。I want to learn how to make Japanese food.(我想学习如何做日本食物)Specially sushi.(尤其是寿司)Do you have any recipe ideas?(你们有任何食谱吗)Is this person interested in cooking, fashion, music or traveling?(这个人的爱好是烹饪、时尚、音乐还是旅游)This is ...



244 Music, fashion, cooking... what's your hobby?

今天我们将继续学习兴趣爱好,请听两则关于爱好的叙述,并回答他们各自的爱好是什么。I want to find a good place for vintage clothes. Portland Maine.(我想在缅因州波特兰找一家复古衣服店)Vintage clothes I also want to buy shoes and accessories.(我还想卖鞋子与配饰)Any ideas?(你们有好主意吗)Is this person interested ...


Life, People, Habits, Hobby

245 Pets, sports, skiing... what's your hobby?

今天我们将继续学习兴趣爱好,请听两则关于爱好的叙述,并回答他们各自的爱好是什么。I am good at skiing, but I’d like to try snowboarding.(我擅长滑雪,但是我想尝试单板滑雪)Can anyone suggest a good teacher?(你们能推荐我一个好老师吗)Is this person interested in water sports, winter sports, pets ...


Life, People, Hobby

247 The Online Photography Club

今天我们将学习Online Photography Club(在线摄影俱乐部)。请看以下有关俱乐部的介绍:Welcome to the online photography club.(欢迎来到在线摄影俱乐部)Do you want to learn how to take better pictures?(你想学习如何拍出更好的照片吗)Are you ready to buy a new camera?(你准备好买一个新相机了吗)Do you ...


Life, People, Habits, Hobby

355 Going away part 1

今天我们将学习旅行相关的话题。请试着回答以下几个问题:Where is your favorite holiday destination?(你最喜欢的旅游景点在哪)Where is the destination of your dream?(你梦想中的旅行目的地在哪)Do you like to travel when it’s cold in winter or when it’s hot ...


Tourism, Life, People, Hobby

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