62 Internet

今天我们将听一段话,然后试着回答问题。It’s about the Internet.(这是一段关于互联网的话)You love the internet!(你们喜爱互联网)It’s a great place to find information…(互联网十分有助于人们获取信息)To go shopping…(人们也可以通过互联网网购)It’s fun!(这很有趣)Do you spend a lot of time online?(你会花大量的时间上网吗)Experts say: 6% ...

195 A girl who has problems with Internet

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora an e-mail (un correo). A girl who has problems with Internet (una chica que tiene problemas con ...

235 Online forum for hobbies

今天我们将学习Hobbies(爱好)。请听以下一段文本,并回答相应问题:First person: I’d like to do something outdoors.(第一个人:我想做一些户外活动)But I’m not interested in running or jogging.(但是我对跑步与慢跑不感兴趣)I’m not good at sports, like tennis or basketball.(我不擅长运动,诸如网球、篮球我都不擅长)Actually, I don’t ...

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