368 Advice and suggestions should part 1

We use "should" to give advice (我们使用"should"来给出建议). Suggestions (建议). Affirmative (肯定句). Negative (否定句). Interrogative (疑问句). You're going camping (你将去露营). You should take a sleeping bag ...

369 Advice and suggestions part 2

We can use other expressions to suggest things (我们可以使用两外两种表达来提出建议). To give advice (给出建议). Should (应该). Why don't you take your sunglasses? (你为什么不戴墨镜呢?). You could take ...

370 Advice and suggestions part 3

Maybe you should (或许你应该). I think you should (我觉得你应该). You should probably (你可能应该). I don't remember the vocabulary we study at You Speak Now. (我忘记了在现学现说上学习的单词). ...

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