80 Sports and Exercise

今天我们要学习的内容是Sports and exercise(体育与锻炼)。当我们说体育运动中的球类运动时,我们用动词Play,例如:Play soccer(踢足球),Play volleyball(打排球),Play tennis(打网球),Play basketball(打篮球)。当我们要表达做某种具体锻炼时,我们用动词Do,例如:Do aerobics(做有氧运动),Do weight training.(做剧中锻炼),Do yoga(做瑜伽)。另外当我们说要去做某种运动时,我们用动词Go,例如:Go running(去跑步),Go walking(去散步),Go swimming(去游泳)。


Exercise, Sports

85 Walking is a great exercise

我们今天学习一个词语:Walking(散步)。散步有诸多好处,在这里我们先列举6大好处:1: Walking is easy(散步很容易)2: Walking is cheap(散步很便宜)3:  Walking gives you time for yourself(散步带给你属于自己的时间)4: Walking is good for your health(散步对健康有利)5: Walking is fun(散步很有趣)6: Walking is good ...


Exercise, Sports

199 Sports professional's advice

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora más sobre sports professional’s advice (el consejo del profesional de deportes). I read and you listen (yo ...

200 Sports professional's advice II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora sports professional’s advice (consejo del profesional de deportes). Bill: “I do weight training at the gym every ...

248 Health - what do you do to stay healthy?

今天我们将谈论Stay healthy(保持健康)。保持健康的方法有很多,例如:First one you should sleep.(首先你得有充足的睡眠)We should sleep at least 7 hours a day.(我们每天至少需要7小时的睡眠)We should also eat vegetables and fruit.(我们还需要chi 蔬菜与水果)We should exercise.(我们需要锻炼身体)Do some weight ...

250 Are you doing anything to stay healthy? II

今天我们将继续学习Stay healthy(保持健康)。今天我们将再听几个人谈论他们各自如何保持健康:The first person is Karman.(第一个人是Karman)Um, right now I’m trying to lose weight before my school reunion. (嗯,现在我正努力在开学返校前减肥)So, I am drinking these diet drinks for ...

269 A text about health part 2

今天我们将继续学习如何保持健康。The first step into great health is just start moving, start exercising, but don’t forget to take a break.(首先要变得健康只需要开始运动,开始锻炼,但是也不要忘了适当休息)A break from work sometimes is very ...

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