149 A letter from a student

今天我们将学习一个谈话技巧。在日常谈话中,我们可以使用一个词anyway(反正;无论如何)来结束一段对话或者改变当前话题。例如当有人提问:Sophia, how was your weekend?(Sophia你的周末过得怎样)就可以回答他:My weekend was great. I went out with my friends. I ate very good food.(我的周末过得很好。我和我的朋友们外出了,我吃了很好吃得食物)Anyway, let’s go have lunch.(不管怎样,让我们一起去吃中饭吧)或者可以这样回答:My weekend was ...

307 Subjects we study at school part 1

今天我们将讨论的话题是School subjects(学校科目)。我们今天要学习的科目有:History(历史)Geography(地理)Economics(经济学)以及Literature(文学)。In China, you study Chinese and Chinese literature.(在中国,你们学习语文和汉语言文学)I studied Portuguese and Portuguese literature.(我学习葡萄牙语和葡萄牙语文学)I studied general history and Brazil’s history.(我学习全球历史与巴西历史)In China you study Chinese history ...

322 An interview about teenage years part 1

今天我们将谈论Teenage years(青少年时期)。以下是一则发生于英国曼切斯特大学的采访:This boy studied the degree in gymnastics.(这个男孩学习体操专业)His name is Joe.(他的名字叫乔)Joe, where were you born?(乔,你出生在哪里)Did you spend your teen years there?(你青少年时期是在那度过的吗)I was born in a ...


Life, People, Stories

323 An interview about teenage years part 2

这节课我们将继续上节课的采访。Joe, how did you spend your free time?(乔,你空闲时间都做什么)I spent a lot of time playing sports, soccer, cricket, handball.(我花了大量时间做运动,玩足球、板球和手球)I also did a lot of music.(我还接触了很多音乐)I played ...


Life, People, Stories

324 An interview about teenage years part 3

今天我们将最后一次了解乔的青少年时期。What is the happiest memory you have from your teenage years Joe?(你青少年时期最快乐的回忆是什么)I played handball for my college team.(我在我的院队里打手球比赛)My happiest memory was when I was picked.(我最快乐的回忆是我被选中)I ...


Life, People, Stories

327 A woman from Mexico part 1

今天我们将听一则关于一名墨西哥女子的故事:My name is Yolanda Sandevo.(我名叫Yolanda Sandevo)I was born in Cananea in Mexico on June 13th 1922.(1922年6月13日我出生于墨西哥卡纳内阿)My parents brought me to Baghdad when I was 6 ...

464 Telling stories with "when" and "while" part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora same exercise as last class (el mismo ejercicio que la última clase). While (mientras). When (cuando). "Like" ...

601 Natural wonders part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora natural wonders (maravillas naturales). "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). When you "like" ...

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