86 A writing exercise

今天我们将进行一次书写练习。首先,我们先复习一下之前所学习过的几项运动:Volleyball(排球),Tennis(网球),Soccer(足球),Play soccer(踢足球),Play volleyball(打排球),Play tennis(打网球),Do yoga(做瑜伽)。我们今天的练习是选择一项自己喜爱的运动,并说明这项运动是一项很好的锻炼的原因。示范如下:Playing soccer is a very good exercise.(提足球是一项非常好的锻炼)1: playing soccer is good for you.(踢足球对你自身有益)2: playing soccer is good to make friends.(踢足球有利于你交朋友)3: playing ...

191 A paper for the art class

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a paper for the art class (un artículo para la clase de arte). Greg envia un correo ...

288 How to write an e-mail, a letter, an invitation in English

今天我们将学习如何用英文写email,请学习以下email的范例:Dear John, I am writing this email to invite you to my birthday.(亲爱的约翰,我写电子邮件是想邀请你来我的生日)Next month is my birthday.(下个月就是我生日)We’ll going to celebrate it here at home.(我们将在家过生日)Please invite ...

385 How to write a message sharing your experience

今天我们将学习如何写信息来分享自己的经历。首先我们会在信息的开头写上Dear…(亲爱的…)例如:Dear Sophia, I’m writing to you from…(亲爱的Sophia,我从…给你写信)之后你可以写上你正在享受什么,例如:I’m having a wonderful time here.(我在这里感觉好极了)之后你可以描述一下你正在经历的地点、食物和活动,例如:I am having a great time here in Cancun.(我在坎昆感觉好极了)The food is amazing.(食物绝佳)I eat tacos ...

509 How to write an article

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora articles (artículos). How to write an article (como escribir un artículo). "Like" this class (dale un "me ...

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