224 Verb forms in practice

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora verb forms (formas verbales). Interview (entrevista). Different verb forms in practice (diferentes formas de usar verbos en ...

225 Verb forms questions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora verb forms questions (preguntas con formas verbals diferentes). Answer the questions (contesta las preguntas). Interact with the ...

227 Everybody and everyone

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora Everybody and everyone (todos). En la clase pasada vimos music (música) . Pop. Rock. Hip-hop and rap. ...

228 Nobody and no one

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora nobody and no one (nadie). En la clase pasada vimos Everybody (todos). Everyone (todos). Everybody speaks English ...

229 Object pronouns: me, him, her

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora object pronouns (pronombres objetos). En la clase pasada vimos Everybody (todos). Everyone (todos). Nobody (nadie). No one ...

230 Object pronouns: us, them, it

今天我们将继续学习Objective pronouns(人称代词宾格)。You的宾格为you,We的宾格为us,They的宾格为them。请参看以下例句:I love you.(我爱你)I like you.(我喜欢你)I love it.(我爱它)Come with us.(和我们一起来)We are going to eat. Come eat with us. (我们要去吃东西了,和我们一块儿吃吧)Join us. (加入我们)Come see us.(来看我们)Come visit us.(来拜访我们)I ...

231 Object pronouns in context

今天我们将复习之前几课所学的内容,请先听一封信件,然后回答一些问题。信件如下:Guess what?(你猜怎么着)I have a new job in a café.(我在咖啡厅找到了一份新工作)They play some great music here.(他们有很好的音乐)It’s a great job for me.(对我而言这是一份很好的工作)I really like it.(我非常喜欢它)They play music by ...

232 Saying "no" in a friendly way

今天我们将学习一个谈话技巧,我们学习使用Not really(并不是)。当我们想表达“不是”或者“不想做某件事”时可以用这个表达来委婉地说出自己的想法。请参看以下例句:Sophia, do you play soccer?(Sophia你踢足球吗)Umm…not really.(嗯,我不踢足球)Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?(你今晚想外出吃饭吗)Umm…not really. I’m tired.(嗯,不是很想出门,我累了)接下来请试着用Not really礼貌地问答以下几个问题:Would you like to go to the ...

233 "Really", "not really" + 4 most used verbs

今天我们将学习一个英文词Really(真的)。Really在英文中的使用很广,例如:I really enjoy eating chocolate.(我真的很喜欢吃巧克力)I really like my dogs.(我真的很喜欢我的狗)I really think China is a nice country.(我真的觉得中国是个很好的国家)I really want to do something.(我真的要做点事情)I really want to go ...

234 Answer the questions using "really" and "not really"

今天我们将复习巩固Really与Not Really。请试着用这两个表达回答以下几个问题:Do you go to school every day?(你每天都去学校吗)Do you like to be with your friends?(你喜欢和你的朋友们在一起吗)Does your best friend lives in the United States?(你最好的朋友生活在美国吗)Do you speak ...

239 Words to link ideas

今天我们将学习几个连词:And(并且)、Also(也)以及Specially(尤其)。请学习以下例句:I can speak Spanish and also speak English.(我说西班牙语,并且我还说英语)I can speak French and also, I can speak English.(我会说法语,我也能说英语)I lived in Brazil and also lived in China.(我生活在巴西,我也生活在中国)I ...

240 Words to link ideas II

今天我们将学习一些新的连词:Or(或者)、But(但是)以及Because(因为)。请学习以下例句: Tomorrow, I will go to the park or to the bank.(明天我将去公园或者银行)I like to eat meat or fish.(我喜欢吃肉或者鱼)I like to drink water or tea.(我喜欢喝水或者茶)Would you ...

241 Words to link ideas - questions

今天我们将学习使用之前所学的连词:And、Also、Specially、Or、But和Because回答问题,提问如下:What kind of website do you regularly use?(你通常看怎样的网站)What do you use websites for?(你上网做什么)What are your favorite websites?(你最喜欢的阿网站是什么)Do you ever post comments on websites?(你在网站上发表评论吗)Do you have ...

246 What are the words to link ideas?

今天我们将听一段有关兴趣爱好的独白,在听完独白后试着回答一些问题。One of my hobbies is rock climbing.(我的爱好之一是攀岩)I go once or twice a week with my family or friends.(我和我的家人或朋友们每周去一次或两次攀岩)We like to climb the mountains near my ...

R Resumen Intermedio II

Congratulations!!! Este es el resumen del nivel Intermedio II of your English course at Tú Aprendes Ahora. In this summary we talk about the classes ...

256 Simple Present and Present Continuous in context

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora I read a message to you (yo leo un mensaje para tí). See the differences between “Simple ...

261 Joining clauses with "if" and "when"

今天我们将学习使用if(如果)与when(当…时候)。请学习以下例句:I sneeze a lot when I have an allergy.(当我过敏时我经常打喷嚏)If I have the flu, I have a terrible sore throat.(当我患流感时,我喉咙很疼)If I have a cold, I cough ...

264 Important expressions for a conversation part 1

今天我们将一起学习一些实用的谈话技巧,我们将学习使用Oh(噢)、Really(真的吗)、Wow(哇)和Gosh(天呐)。在英语对话中,使用这些小词汇将使你的口语表达更自然更地道。请试着学习以下例句:Oh, I’m exercising every day.(噢,我现在天天都锻炼)Really? Wow! That’s great. Good job.(真的吗?哇!那很好,做得好)I’m going to Thailand next month.(我下个月要去泰国)Really? Wow! That’s amazing!(真的吗?哇!那太好了)Where are you going?(你要去哪里)Yesterday I worked for 18 ...

265 Important expressions for a conversation part 2

今天我们将继续学习一些口语交流中的表达:Are you kidding?(你在开玩笑吗)Are you serious?(你是认真的吗)Oh my gosh!(噢我的天呐)这些表达在我们的日常对话中都很实用。现在请根据以下情形给出合适的反馈回应:Last night I had a great dream.(昨晚我做了一个梦)In my dream, you were speaking English in Miami.(在我梦里你在迈阿密说英语)I am serious.(我是认真的)You were millionaire.(你是个百万富翁)You ...

288 How to write an e-mail, a letter, an invitation in English

今天我们将学习如何用英文写email,请学习以下email的范例:Dear John, I am writing this email to invite you to my birthday.(亲爱的约翰,我写电子邮件是想邀请你来我的生日)Next month is my birthday.(下个月就是我生日)We’ll going to celebrate it here at home.(我们将在家过生日)Please invite ...

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