291 Present Continuous for future part 2 - exceptions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora present continuous for future (present continuous para futuro). Are you traveling next week? (estás viajando semana que ...

292 Vague expressions: and things, and stuff, and everything

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora  vague expressions (expresiones vagas). Celebrations (celebraciones). What do you do for birthdays? (qué haces para cumpleaños?). What ...

293 Vague expressions - examples

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora vague expressions (expresiones vagas). We studied 3 expressions (estudiamos 3 expresiones). “and things like that” (y cosas ...

294 Questions about celebrations - use the vague expressions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora vague expressions (expresiones vagas). “and stuff like that” (y cosas así). “and things like that” (y cosas ...

295 Vague responses - I don't know, I'm not sure, It depends

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora vague responses (respuestas vagas). En la clase pasada hicimos questions (preguntas) and you answered using “vague expressions” ...

302 Questions in the past using "did" and "was/were"

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora questions (preguntas). Vocabulary (vocabulario). Grammar (gramática). "Like" this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). Comment ...

305 Determiners: no, some, many, most, all part 1

今天我们将学习determiner(限定词):No(没有)Some(一些)Many(许多)Most(大多数)All(全部)。请参看以下例句:No students like to wake up early.(没有学生喜欢早起)Some of my friends live in Brazil.(我有些朋友生活在巴西)In China, many people like to eat rice.(在中国,许多人喜欢吃米饭)Most people in China can speak ...

315 Determiners in practice

这节课我们将复习使用限定词回答问题。请试着回答以下问题:When you were in high school what was the subject most of your friends liked?(你高中的时候绝大多数朋友都喜欢的课程是什么)Why?(为什么)When you were in high school, what was the subject that ...

318 Expressions to correct yourself part 1

今天我们将学习一些谈话技巧,我们学习三种纠正自己的英文表达:Well(嗯…)Actually(事实上)No wait(不,等等)请参看以下例句:I exercise every day. Well, five days a week.(我每天都锻炼,嗯…一周锻炼5天)Yes, I do. Oh actually, I work from Monday to Friday.(是的,噢事实上我从周一到周五都工作)Actually, I’ve only been to Amsterdam ...

319 Expressions to correct yourself part 2

今天我们将继续学习纠正自己所说的话的谈话技巧,我们学习:I mean…(我是说…)。Yes, I do. I MEAN all the time I am at work.(是的,我是说每时每刻我都在工作)Yes, I eat anything. I MEAN I don’t like pidan and choudoufu. But ...

320 Questions using "I mean" part 1

今天我们将复习之前所学的谈话技巧。请看以下例句:Were you good at playing chess? No, I mean checkers.(你擅长下国际象棋吗?不,我是说跳棋)When you were child, did you read a lot of cartoons? I mean comics.(你小时候看很多卡通吗?我是说漫画)Did you have ...

321 Questions using "I mean" part 2 + new vocabulary

这节课我们将继续学习使用I mean(我的意思是…)。请试着回答以下问题:When you were a kid, did you go skiing in the winter? I mean sledding.(当你小时候,你冬天会去滑雪吗?我是说滑雪橇)Did you collect animals. I MEAN stuffed animals.(你收集动物吗?我是说填充玩具动物)Did you eat ...

346 Checking information in context part 2

今天我们将继续使用疑问词进行提问,我们用到的疑问词有:How much(多少钱)What(什么)What kind(哪种)What time(几点)When(什么时候)Where(哪里)。请根据以下对话将合适的疑问词填入相应的空白处:A new deli opened right across the street from us.(一家新的餐馆开在了我们街对面)I’m sorry a new        opened? A new deli. Let’s try. Then you won’t ...

347 Checking information in context part 3

今天我们将复习Expressions to check information(检验信息的表达)。Do you have your wallet? The tickets are 60 dollars each.(你带钱包了吗?每张票60美元)They cost        ? 60 dollars each. Hurry!(每张60美元,快点)The show starts in 15 minutes. ...

R Resumen Intermediate III final

Congratulations!!! This is the summary of Intermediate III of your English course at Tú Aprendes Ahora. In this summary we talk about the classes from ...



360 Infinitives for reasons part 3

今天我们将做一个练习,请听一段独白然后根据内容回答一些问题:I am going to Tokyo to study Japanese next month.(下个月我将去东京学习日语)I am staying with a family on an exchange program.(我将通过一个交换生项目住在一户人家里)I just got my Visa.(我刚刚取得了签证)Wow! So, is ...

361 Infinitives for reasons part 4

今天我们将听一则故事,之后请根据故事内容回答问题。My friends are planning a trip to Ecuador.(我朋友们计划将去厄瓜多尔)They want to visit Galápagos.(他们将去加拉帕戈斯)They're going to call a hotel near the airport.(他们将给机场附近的一家酒店打电话)They want to make a reservation ...

368 Advice and suggestions should part 1

We use "should" to give advice (我们使用"should"来给出建议). Suggestions (建议). Affirmative (肯定句). Negative (否定句). Interrogative (疑问句). You're going camping (你将去露营). You should take a sleeping bag ...

369 Advice and suggestions part 2

We can use other expressions to suggest things (我们可以使用两外两种表达来提出建议). To give advice (给出建议). Should (应该). Why don't you take your sunglasses? (你为什么不戴墨镜呢?). You could take ...

370 Advice and suggestions part 3

Maybe you should (或许你应该). I think you should (我觉得你应该). You should probably (你可能应该). I don't remember the vocabulary we study at You Speak Now. (我忘记了在现学现说上学习的单词). ...

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