315 Determiners in practice

这节课我们将复习使用限定词回答问题。请试着回答以下问题:When you were in high school what was the subject most of your friends liked?(你高中的时候绝大多数朋友都喜欢的课程是什么)Why?(为什么)When you were in high school, what was the subject that ...

316 Difference between "did" and "was/were"

这节课我们将复习did, was和were的使用。请试着回答以下问题:First question: did you study algebra at school?(第一个问题:你在学校学习了代数吗)Second: were you a good student when you were a kid?(第二个问题:你小时候是个好学生吗)Did you like science?(你喜欢科学吗)Were you good at ...

358 Infinitives for reasons part 1

今天我们将学习使用动词不定式表示原因。请学习以下例句:I am going to Beijing to work.(我将去北京工作)Why are you going to Beijing?(你为什么要去北京)I am going to Beijing to work.(我将去北京工作)Why do you take a passport to travel?(你为什么带着护照去旅行)I ...

360 Infinitives for reasons part 3

今天我们将做一个练习,请听一段独白然后根据内容回答一些问题:I am going to Tokyo to study Japanese next month.(下个月我将去东京学习日语)I am staying with a family on an exchange program.(我将通过一个交换生项目住在一户人家里)I just got my Visa.(我刚刚取得了签证)Wow! So, is ...

361 Infinitives for reasons part 4

今天我们将听一则故事,之后请根据故事内容回答问题。My friends are planning a trip to Ecuador.(我朋友们计划将去厄瓜多尔)They want to visit Galápagos.(他们将去加拉帕戈斯)They're going to call a hotel near the airport.(他们将给机场附近的一家酒店打电话)They want to make a reservation ...

417 Expressions to order events part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora expressions to order events (expresiones para ordenar eventos). Words to order events (palabras para ordenar eventos). "Like" ...

426 Past Continuous part 3

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora past continuous with simple past. Were you watching our last classes?  Past Continuous. We were doing (nosotros ...

464 Telling stories with "when" and "while" part 2

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora same exercise as last class (el mismo ejercicio que la última clase). While (mientras). When (cuando). "Like" ...

478 Comparative adjectives part 11

学习了这么多节课关于形容词比较级的内容,你累了吗?这是最后一节课!请在笔记本写下你听到的形容词,并用这些词语造句评论在下方。Noisy (有噪音的). Old (旧的;老的). Personal (私人的). Popular (受欢迎的). Quick (快速的). Slow (慢的). Small (小的). Useful (有用的). A cellphone is more useful than a tablet (手机比平板电脑更有用). ...

489 More, less and fewer part 3

今天我们做不一样的练习继续复习More、Less和Fewer。根据上下文,请在空白处填上恰当的词。A: Wow! Look at your inbox (快看你的收件箱). It's full of junk mail (全是垃圾邮件). You get a lot ___ junk mail than I do (你的垃圾邮件比我___ 多了). ...

490 More, less and fewer part 4

今天我们继续练习More、Less和Fewer。 请根据上下文选择合适的词填空。 Follow our methodology (利用我们的学习方法). Watch each class 3 times (课程视频看三遍). First you understand (第一遍理解). Second you write everything (第二遍写出你听到的全部内容). Write on your notebook (记在你的笔记本上). ...

509 How to write an article

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora articles (artículos). How to write an article (como escribir un artículo). "Like" this class (dale un "me ...

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