362 Different trips part 1

今天我们将谈论的话题是A beach vacation(海滩度假)。What do you take with you to a vacation of a beach?(你去海滩边度假要带什么)To go to the beach, we need to take a bathing suit, ...


Tourism, Life, People

363 Different trips part 2

今天我们将谈论Camping(露营)。What do you take when you go camping?(你去露营会带什么)You need to take a tent.(你需要带一顶帐篷)A sleeping bag, a flashlight, a knife, scissors.(一个睡袋、一个闪光灯、一把小刀、剪刀)You need to take insect repellent ...

365 Different trips part 4

Review things you need when you go for a trip (复习出行所需带的物品). A bathing suit (泳衣). Sandals (凉鞋). A towel (毛巾). Sunglasses (墨镜). A cap (帽子). ...

379 Unusual hotels around the world part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora unusual hotels around the world (hoteles diferentes alrededor del mundo). Controversy Tram Hotel (Controvérsia Tranvía Hotel). The ...

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