154 Fruit

今天我们一起来学习一些水果的英文表达,水果的英文为fruit。常见的水果有:Apple(苹果)Banana(香蕉)Peach(桃子)Pineapple(菠萝)Grapes(葡萄)与Orange(橙子)。试着回答以下两个问题:Do you eat fruit every day?(你每天吃水果吗)What’s your favorite fruit?(你最喜欢的水果是什么)  

155 Vegetables

今天我们将一起学习一些蔬菜的英文表达,蔬菜的英文为vegetable。常见的蔬菜有:lettuce(生菜)tomato(西红柿)cucumber(黄瓜)carrot(胡萝卜)onion(洋葱)garlic(大蒜)olive(橄榄)cauliflower(花菜)试着回答以下几个问题:Do you like to eat vegetables?(你喜欢吃蔬菜吗)How often do you eat vegetables?(你多久吃一次蔬菜)How often do you eat tomato?(你多久吃一次西红柿)How often do you eat carrots?(你多久吃一次胡萝卜)How often do you use ...

156 Much and many

今天我们将学习用英语表达“许多”。英文中我们使用many或者much来表示“许多”的含义。由于英文中的名词有些为可数名词,有些为不可数名词,我们使用many来修饰可数名词,而使用much来修饰不可数名词。例如:Milk(牛奶)为不可数名词,所以我们说much milk来表示许多牛奶。而banana(香蕉)为可数名词,我们说many bananas来表示许多香蕉。请试着区分以下几个名词哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词:milk(牛奶)、tomato(西红柿)、cucumber(黄瓜)、pasta(意大利面)、rice(米饭)、beef(牛肉)onion(洋葱)。请试着回答以下两个问题:Do you like to eat many bananas every day?(你喜欢每天吃很多香蕉吗)Do you eat many apples every week?(你每周吃很多苹果吗)

158 A few and a little

今天我们将学习A few(几个)与A little(一点点),A few修饰可数名词,A little 修饰不可数名词。请学习以下例句:Yesterday I had a few apples for breakfast.(昨天我早饭吃了几个苹果)                                                                                                                                        I had a few bananas every week.(我每周吃几根香蕉)I have a little water every ...

159 Food using much, many, a few, a little

今天我们复习之前几节课中学过的much、many、a few与a little。请复习以下几个句子:I don’t drink much milk.(我不喝很多牛奶)I don’t eat much bread.(我不吃很多面包)I eat a little cheese.(我吃一点点芝士)I drink a little coffee.(我喝一点点咖啡)I don’t eat much meat.(我不吃很多肉)I eat many ...

160 A lot of and a/an

今天我们复习不定冠词a和an(一个)并学习一个新词组a lot of(许多)。An使用于以元音发音字母开头的单词,例如: I eat an apple every day.(我每天吃一个苹果)I eat an egg every day.(我每天吃一个鸡蛋)而a则使用于其他可数名词,例如:I eat a tomato every night.(我每晚都吃一个西红柿)I eat a peach every night.(我每晚吃一个桃子)在修饰不可数名词时,我们有时可以加上数量词,例如:I drink a ...

161 Questions about food

今天我们将回答一些与食物相关的问题。现在请试着回答以下几个问题:What’s your favorite food?(你最喜欢的食物是什么)Are you a picky eater?(你是一个挑食的人吗)How often do you eat fish?(你多久吃一次鱼)Where do you like to eat fish in your city?(在你的城市里你喜欢到哪里吃鱼)Do you eat rice ...

162 Different kinds of food

今天我们将一起复习我们学习过的食物。首先我们学习过的蔬菜有:lettuce(生菜)、tomato(西红柿)、spinach(菠菜)、cucumber(黄瓜)、peanut(花生)、cauliflower(花菜)、green bean(绿豆)、garlic(大蒜)、pepper(辣椒)。我们学习过的肉类有:lamb(羊肉)、pork(猪肉)、beef(牛肉)。我们学习过的海鲜有:salmon(三文鱼)、tuna(金枪鱼)、shellfish(贝类)、lobster(龙虾)、shrimp(虾)、crab(螃蟹)、oyster(生蚝)。我们学习过的水果有:apple(苹果)、orange(橙子)、pear(梨)、grape(葡萄)、melon(瓜)、mango(芒果)、strawberry(草莓)。我们学习过的油有:olive1 oil(橄榄油)、butter(黄油)。学过的甜点有:sweet(糖果)、cookies(曲奇饼)、ice cream(冰激淋)、cake(蛋糕)。学过的饮料有:coffee(咖啡)、tea(茶)、water(水)、milk(牛奶)、soft drink(软饮料)、juice(果汁)、cereal(麦片)。

166 Some and any

今天我们将学习使用Some(一些)与any(任何)。我们在肯定句中使用some,在否定句或疑问句中使用any。请学习以下例句:I have some chairs in my TV room.(在我电视机房里我有一些椅子)I have some milk in my fridge.(我冰箱里有一些牛奶)There are some Internet Cafés in my neighborhood.(我住处附近有一些网咖)There are some stores in ...

167 Some and any - exceptions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora exceptions for some and any (excepciones para some y any). Like and subscribe (dale un "me gusta" ...

169 Or something, or anything

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a Conversation Stategy (una estratégia de conversación). Or something (o algo). Or anything (o algo/nada). Like, comment ...

170 Conversation strategy - or something/anything

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a conversation strategy (una estrategia de conversación). …or something (o algo). …or anything (o algo).  Like, comment ...

173 A text about restaurants

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a different exercise (un ejercicio diferente). I read about two restaurants (yo leo sobre dos restaurantes). Listen ...

174 A text about restaurants II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a text about restaurants (un texto sobre restaurantes). Comment this video and share it with your friends ...

177 Anyway

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora conversation strategies (estrategias de conversación). Anyway (de todas maneras). Change the topic of a conversation (cambiar el ...

178 An e-mail from a student

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora an e-mail from a student (un correo de un alumno). E-mail (correo electrónico). Listen to the e-mail ...

183 A message from the manager

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora an e-mail from a manager to all employees of the company (un correo del gerente para todos ...

188 Restaurant advertisement

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora restaurant advertisement (anuncios de restaurantes). Asian Stir-fry (asiático salteado). 1,00 added with tofu (1,00 adicional con tofu). ...

191 A paper for the art class

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a paper for the art class (un artículo para la clase de arte). Greg envia un correo ...

194 A friend in Japan II

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora la segunda parte de la clase pasada. The e-mail from the last class (el correo de la ...

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