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A real invitation

今天我们将为你阅读一则电子邮件,然后请你根据内容回答一些问题。Dear Kerry,(亲爱的Kerry)Guess what?(猜猜发生了什么)My brother and I are going to Winter Carnival in Quebec City.(我的哥哥和我要去魁北克的冬季嘉年华了) Quebec is a city of Canada.(魁北克是加拿大的一个城市)It’s at the beginning of February.(嘉年华在2月初)We’ll going to go up and stay there for a week.(我们将在那里待一个礼拜)Can you join us?(你要加入我们吗)Do you know Quebec Winter Carnival?(你知道魁北克的冬季嘉年华吗)It’s a lot of fun.(这很有趣)There are always exciting things to do and to see.(嘉年华上总是有很多事情可以做可以看)They have night parades, fireworks and lots of winter sports.(夜间游行、烟火、许多冬季运动)You can either watch the sports and do them.(你还可以看比赛或者自己参与其中)Of course, I’m going to go skiing every day.(当然我打算每天都滑雪)There are interesting special events too.(到时候还有有趣的活动)The ice carving contest.(冰雕大赛)You don’t have to stay at the carnival for the whole time.(你也不必一直待在嘉年华里)I want to visit the Quebec City, do some shopping, go to some of their great restaurants.(我要去魁北克,购物、去一些优质的餐厅) Are you interested in coming with us?(你有兴趣和我们一起去吗)Let us know soon.(尽快让我们知道吧)So, we can get you a room in our hotel.(这样我们可以给你订个宾馆房间)All be best. Barbra.(祝一切安好,Barbra)现在请根据邮件内容判断以下陈述是否正确:You can go skiing during the Quebec Winter Carnival. Is it true or false?(你可以在魁北克嘉年华期间去滑雪,正确还是错误)Barbra wants to go shopping in Quebec City. True or false?(Barbra想去kuibeike 购物,正确还是错误)Kerry can stay at Barbra’s hotel room. True or false?(Kerry可以住在Barbra的宾馆房间,正确还是错误)



