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A woman from Mexico part 1

今天我们将听一则关于一名墨西哥女子的故事:My name is Yolanda Sandevo.(我名叫Yolanda Sandevo)I was born in Cananea in Mexico on June 13th 1922.(1922年6月13日我出生于墨西哥卡纳内阿)My parents brought me to Baghdad when I was 6 months old.(我6个月时我的父母带我去了巴格达)My father’s name was Francisco Sandevo.(我父亲名叫Francisco Sandevo)My Mother’s name was Cecilia Bernal.(我母亲名叫Cecilia Bernal)I was their first child.(我是他们的第一个孩子)I have four young brothers.(我有四个弟弟)My mother gave Raphael, my third brother, her name as a middle name.(我母亲把自己的名字作为了我三弟Raphael的中间名)Apart from Raphael, no one had a middle name.(Raphael之外的其他人都没有中间名)My mother was very gentle and patient.(我母亲很温柔很耐心)My father was very kind but strict.(我父亲人很好但是很严厉)He worked in the mine.(他在矿场工作)He didn’t talk much about his work.(他对自己的工作谈论不多)Maybe because he didn’t like it.(可能因为他不喜欢这份工作)My mother didn’t go out to work.(我母亲没有外出工作)She stayed at home.(她待在家里)She took care of us.(她照顾我们)现在请回答以下问题:Where is Yolanda from?(Yolanda来自哪里)When did Yolanda arrived at Baghdad?(Yolanda什么时候去的巴格达)How many brothers does Yolanda have?(Yolanda有几个弟弟)Does Yolanda’s mother work out, outside the house?(Yolanda的妈妈在外工作吗)Where does Yolanda’s father work?(Yolanda的爸爸在哪工作)



