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Difference between "did" and "was/were"

这节课我们将复习did, was和were的使用。请试着回答以下问题:First question: did you study algebra at school?(第一个问题:你在学校学习了代数吗)Second: were you a good student when you were a kid?(第二个问题:你小时候是个好学生吗)Did you like science?(你喜欢科学吗)Were you good at chemistry?(你擅长化学吗)Do you study fine arts now?(你现在学习美术吗)Do you like drama?(你喜欢戏剧吗)When was your school graduation day?(你的毕业典礼是什么时候)Were you happy on that day?(你那天开心吗)When you were a kid, what subject did you like the most?(你小时候最擅长的科目是什么)Did you have lab classes for chemistry or physics?(你的化学课和物理课有实验室吗)Did you enjoy those lab classes?(你喜欢实验课吗)Did you like your math teacher?(你喜欢你的数学老师吗)Did you study English?(你学习英语了吗)Did you like your English teacher?(你喜欢你的英语老师吗)


