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Going away part 3

今天我们将继续学习旅行,请看以下一则对话,并根据对话内容回答问题:A: So, are you all packed for your trip?(A:你为旅行收拾好东西了吗)B: No, I'm nowhere near ready!(B:没有呢,什么都没收拾)B: Look at my to-do list.(B:看看我的待办清单)B: I need to go shopping to get a suitcase and I still have to go online to find a flight.(B:我需要去买一个旅行箱,我还得网购一张机票)A: Oh no! So, is it expensive to fly to Puerto Rico?(A:噢,不!飞往波多黎各很贵吗)A: Or is it easy to find cheap flights?(A:能找到便宜机票吗)B: Well… it's not too hard to find a bargain…(B:找到折扣价的机票并不难)B: But you just have to do some research...(B:但是你得做一些功课)A: Right… so, why are you going, exactly?(A:好吧,那么你为什么要去波多黎各呢)B: Well to see my relatives in San Juan and then, we're all going some places to go snorkeling.(B:我去看看我在圣胡安的亲戚,我们准备找个地方去潜水)A: Nice! Sounds like a fun trip!(A:真好,听起来很有趣)A: Good luck with your list!(A:祝你能顺利完成待办清单)B: Thanks!(B:谢谢)现在请回答以下问题:Is this girl ready to travel?(这个女孩准备好出行了吗)Where is she travelling to?(她计划去哪里)Tell me two things this girl needs to do before her trip. Two things she has on her to do list.(告诉我她在出行之前要做的两件事)



