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Languages people studied part 2

今天我们继续谈论languages people spoke in high school(高中学习的语言)。The first message is from Karina.(第一则信息来自Karina)Karina is from Prague.(Karina来自布拉格)Years ago, most people learnt Russian.(几年前绝大多数人学习俄罗斯语)Only a few people to English.(只有少数人学习英语)I studied both.(我两种语言都学)Next message is from Femi.(下一则消息来自Femi)She’s from Lagos.(她来自于拉各斯)A lot of my classmates dropped French after 9 Grade.(我许多同班同学在9年级之后就不学法语了)Almost all of them did, except me.(几乎所有人都这样,但我没有)Then later, some of them had to take evening classes.(之后他们有些人就不得不上夜校)They need it for work.(他们需要在工作时用法语)接下来请回答以下问题:What language did Karina study?(Karina学习什么语言)Did Femi study English?(Femi学习英语了吗)Did Femi study French?(Femi学习法语了吗)Why did Femi’s friends have to study French at night?(为什么Femi的朋友们要在晚上学习法语)Did you study Russian in high school or when you were a kid?(你高中时或者小时候学习过俄罗斯语吗)Did you study French?(你学习过法语吗)


