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Mother's Day part 2

今天我们将了解世界各地人们如何庆祝母亲节。People in different countries celebrate Mother’s Day usually in different days. (不同国家的人通常在不同的日子庆祝母亲节)In Spain and Portugal, Mother’s Day is in the first Sunday in May.(西班牙与葡萄牙在5月的第一个周日庆祝母亲节)In Australia, Brazil, Italy, Japan, China, Turkey and the United States, Mother’s Day is on the second Sunday in May. (澳大利亚、巴西、意大利、日本、中国、土耳其和美国在5月的第二个周日庆祝母亲节)France and Sweden celebrate Mother’s Day on the last Sunday in May.(法国与瑞典在5月的最后一个周日庆祝母亲节)In Argentina, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in October. (阿根廷则在10月的第三个周日庆祝母亲节)There’re many traditional ways to celebrate Mother’s Day.(庆祝母亲节也有许多传统的方式)Many countries celebrate Mother’s Day in different times of the year. But they celebrate it almost in the same way.(许多国家在一年中的不同时间庆祝母亲节,但是他们的庆祝方式几乎相同)What do you have to do in Mother’s Day?(你在母亲节要做什么呢)What these countries have in common during Mother’s Day is the purpose. (这些国家庆祝母亲节的缘由都是一致的)The purpose of Mother’s Day is to show love and affection for our mothers.(都是为了向母亲表达他们的爱)LOVE and APPRECIATION.(爱与感激)On Mother’s Day’s morning, some children give their mothers gift they made specially for this holiday. Usually they make crafts in school. (在母亲节,孩子们会给母亲送上他们专为母亲节准备的礼物,通常是他们在学校里制作的手工艺品)Here’re some ideas for Mother’s Day!(以下是关于母亲节的一些好点子)What are you going to do for next Mother’s Day?(你下一个母亲节将要做什么呢)Have you thought about it?(你有没有想过呢)What did you do in the last Mother’s Day?(你上一个母亲节做了什么呢)Make your mother feel special every day but specially on Mother’s Day. (让你的妈妈每天都觉得很特别,尤其是在母亲节这一天)Make or buy your mother a beautiful Mother’s Day card and write a letter to her telling why you love her and why you appreciate her.(给你妈妈制作或购买漂亮的母亲节贺卡,写封信告诉她为什么你爱她感激她)Make her a special meal or take her out.(为她做一顿美餐或者带她出门)Bake her a cake.(为她烘培蛋糕)Plant a flower or a tree somewhere that she can see it.(在她能看见的地方种一朵花或者一株树)


