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Questions joining clauses with "if" and "when"

今天我们将练习使用if和when提问,请试着回答以下几个问题:Do you gargle salt water when you have a sore throat?(当你喉咙疼时你会用盐水漱口吗)Do you have a stomach ache after you eat a lot?(你吃很多东西会肚子疼吗)When you have a stomach ache, do you drink tea?(你肚子疼时会喝茶吗)What would you do when you feel very very tired?(当你觉得非常非常累的时候会怎么做)What do you do when you feel sore after exercising?(当你锻炼后觉得酸痛时会怎么做)If you have a runny nose or itchy eyes, what do you do?(你流鼻涕或眼睛痒时会怎么做)If you have a runny nose or itchy eyes, do you take a medicine for allergy?(你流鼻涕或眼睛痒时会吃抗过敏药吗)If you have a toothache, do you go to the dentist right away?(如果你牙疼,你会立即去看牙医吗)What do you do if you have a very bad cough?(当你咳嗽很严重时你会怎么做)What do you do when you have a headache?(你头疼时会怎么做)



