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Subjects we study at school part 4

代数)Calculus(微积分)和Geometry(几何)。Algebra is an area of math where you learn how to graph things, and equations.(代数是数学中的一个领域,你可以从中学会绘图和方程)In calculus, we learn also equations.(在微积分中我们同样学习方程)For example, derivatives and integration.(例如导数和积分)And geometry, we learn everything related to shapes.(在几何中我们学习的一切都关于图形)我们学习的图形包括:circle(圆形)square(正方形)rectangle(矩形)triangle(三角形)。现在请回答以下问题:What do you like more?(你更喜欢什么)Math, social studies, music, or science?(数学、社会学科、音乐还是科学)What subjects are from the social study areas?(社会学科中有哪些学科)What subject can we study when we study music?(学习音乐时可以学习哪些内容)What are the three most important science subjects?(最主要的三门科学学科是什么)What are the three most important mathematic subjects?(数学中最主要的三门学科是什么)


