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Verb be born - was born, were born part 1

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora childhood (infancia). Be born (nacer). “Like” this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). Be born (nacer). Was born (nací). Were born (nacieron). I was born in Mexico (yo nací en México). We were born in 1988 (nosotros nacimos en 1988). She was born in Colombia (ella nació en Colombia). They were born in Japan (ellos nacieron en Japón). He was born last year (él nació año pasado). She was born 3 years ago (ella nació 3 años atras). We were born in United States (nacimos en Estados Unidos). Was born (nació). I was born (nací). He was born (él nació). She was born (ella nació). They were born (ellos nacieron). We were born (nacimos). You were born (naciste). Invent 3 examples using “was born” (inventa 3 ejemplos usando "were born"). Invent 3 examples using “were born” (inventa 3 ejemplos usando "was born"). Comment your examples (comenta tus ejemplos). I want to see your examples (quiero ver tus ejemplos). See you next class!


