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What can you do about stress?

今天我们将继续谈论压力,今天我们的话题是What can you do if you are stressed?(如果你感到有压力了怎么办)Fortunately, there’s lots of things you can do.(幸运的是面对压力你有很多事可以做)Try some of these relaxation techniques.(你可以试试以下几个放松技巧)If you still feel stressed, make an appointment to see your doctor.(如果你仍然觉得有压力,你可以预约你的医生)I am going to give you now some relaxation techniques.(现在我将告诉你几个放松的技巧)The first one is to breathe.(首先是呼吸)Take a breath, hold it for four seconds, and breathe out very slowly.(深呼吸,屏气四秒,然后缓慢呼气)Feel your body relaxed.(感受你的身体获得放松)Second thing we can do is to exercise.(你可以做的第二件事是锻炼)Walk or exercise for just 30 minutes each day.(每天走路或锻炼半小时)And you’ll feel better.(你就会觉得身体好很多)Third, talk.(第三与人交谈)Call a friend, talk about your problems.(打电话给朋友,谈论你的问题)That helps a lot.(这也会有很大帮助)Fourth, meditate.(第四进行冥想)Close your eyes, focus on something calm, feel relaxed.(闭上眼睛,专注于某件令人镇静的事物,感到身体放松)Pamper yourself. Take care of yourself.(惯纵自己,对自己好一点)Take a hot bath.(洗个热水澡)Have a massage.(做个按摩)That helps a lot.(这也有很大帮助)Do something you enjoy.(做你觉得快乐的事)Listen to music, sing.(听歌唱歌)Are you a good singer?(你是个好歌手吗)Even if you are not, just sing and relax.(即便不是,你也可以只管唱歌与放松)It’s OK.(这都没有问题)Watch TV, meet a friend for a coffee.(看电视,与朋友见面喝咖啡)And if you are very very stressed, if you often can’t exercise, if you often can’t think, one really good technique is to see a doctor.(如果你感到压力非常非常大,如果你经常无法锻炼,如果你经常无法思考,有一个真正的好方法那就是去看医生)



