114 Review Present Continuous

今天我们将复习现在进行时。请查看以下例句:肯定句:I’m teaching English.(我正在学习英语)You are studying English.(你正在学习英语)You are studying English now.(你现在正在学习英语)You are not studying English now.(你现在没有正学习英语)疑问句:Are you studying English now?(你现在正在学习英语吗)对于这一问题,我们可以回答:Yes I am. (是的,我正在学习英语)No, I am not.(不,我没正在学习英语)Is ...

115 Simple Past

今天我们将复习一般过去时。请查看以下例句:Yesterday I played basketball.(昨天我打篮球)Yesterday I played tennis.(昨天我打网球)She cooked dinner.(她烧晚饭)He worked.(他工作)在我们表示过去时的否定句时,我们需要在句子中加上didn’t,例如:I didn’t work yesterday.(我昨天没有工作)She didn’t cook dinner.(她没有烧晚饭)He didn’t play basketball.(他没有打篮球)I didn’t study English.(我没有学英语)We didn’t speak Chinese.(我们没有说中文)疑问句中我们需要将Did提至句首:Did ...

116 Simple Past II

今天我们学习Simple Past(一般过去时)。我们将学习一般过去时中肯定句、否定句、疑问句以及相关回答的表达。在肯定句中,规则动词后面需要加上-ed以表示过去发生的动作。例如:I worked yesterday. (我昨天工作了)He cooked dinner.(他烧了晚饭)She cleaned the house. (她打扫了屋子)在否定句中,我们需要将助动词did改成它的否定形式didn’t,例如:I didn’t cook dinner.(我没有烧晚饭)She didn’t study English.(她没有学英语)He didn’t clean the house.(他没有打扫屋子)在疑问句中,我们需要将助动词did提至句首,例如:Did she clean the house?(她打扫屋子了吗)Did ...

118 Irregular verbs for Simple Past

今天我们将学习三个不规则动词在一般过去时中的变化。Buy(买)的过去时是bought:I bought a T-shirt.(我买了一件T恤衫)I bought a cake.(我买了一个蛋糕)I bought a car.(我买了一辆新车)I bought a phone.(我买了一部手机)I didn’t buy a cake.(我没有买一个蛋糕)I didn’t buy a phone.(我没有买一部手机)I didn’t buy a T-shirt.(我没有买一件T恤衫)Did ...

119 Irregular verbs see, read, go

今天我们将学习另外三个不规则动词的一般过去时变化,这三个动词分别为:see(看见)、read(阅读)和go(去)。See的过去时为saw:I saw a film.(我看了一部电影)I saw a cat.(我看见了一只猫)I didn’t see a cat. (我没有看见一只猫)Did I see a cat?(我看见一只猫了吗)第二个动词read的过去时也写作read,但是读音有所变化。I read a book.(我读了一本书)I didn’t read a book.(我没有读一本书)Did I read ...

120 Take, meet and do

今天我们将再学习三个不规则动词的一般过去时变化,这三个动词为:take(带)、do(做)以及meet(遇见)。Take的过去时为took:Yesterday I took my phone to school.(昨天我带手机去了学校)Do的过去时为did:Yesterday I did my homework.(昨天我做了我的家庭作业)Meet的过去时为met:Yesterday I met her.(我昨天遇见了她)Yesterday I didn’t take my phone to school.(昨天我没有带手机去学校)Yesterday I didn’t meet her.(昨天我没有遇见她)Yesterday ...

121 Irregular Verbs write and understand

今天我们将学习两个不规则动词的一般过去时变化。第一个动词为write(写),它的过去时为wrote;第二个动词为understand(明白),它的过去时为understood。一起来学习以下例句:I wrote my homework.(我写了我的家庭作业)I didn’t write my homework.(我没有写我的家庭作业)Did you write your home work?(你写了你的家庭作业了吗)I understood the class.(我明白这个课程)I didn’t understand the class.(我没有明白这个课程)Did you understand the class?(你明白这个课程了吗)请回答以下问题:Did you ...

130 Irregular verbs eat, bring, come

今天我们将学习三个不规则动词的过去时,这三个动词分别为:eat(吃)、bring(带来)、Come(来)。其中,eat的过去时为ate,bring的过去时为brought,come的过去时为came。一起来学习以下例句:I ate dinner at home.(我在家吃了晚饭)I ate chicken.(我吃了鸡肉)My husband brought me flower.(我的丈夫给我带了花)She brought me chocolate.(她带给了我巧克力)My mother came to Hangzhou last year.(去年我妈妈来了杭州)在否定句中,我们同样需要使用didn’t,而在疑问句中我们同样将助动词did提至句首。

131 Irregular verbs choose, cost, drink

今天我们将学习另外三个不规则动词的过去时,这三个动词分别为:choose(选择),cost(花费)和drink(喝),它们的过去时分别为chose, cost和drank。请学习以下几个句子:I chose a blue T-shirt.(我选择了一件蓝T恤)I chose a golden ring.(我选择了一枚金戒指)I chose a silver watch.(我选择了一块银色的手表)I didn’t choose a pink T-shirt.(我没有选择一件粉色的T恤)I didn’t choose a silver ring.(我没有选择一枚银戒指)I didn’t ...

132 Irregular verbs drive, feel, forget

今天我们继续学习三个不规则动词的过去时,这些动词与其过去时分别为:drive-drove(开车),feel-felt(感觉)与forget-forgot(忘记)。请参看并学习以下例句:Yesterday I drove my car.(昨天我开了我的车)Yesterday, I didn’t drive my car.(昨天我没有开我的车)Did you drive your car yesterday?(你昨天开车了吗)Yesterday, I felt bad.(昨天我感觉不舒服)Yesterday, I didn’t feel bad.(昨天我没感觉不舒服)Did you feel bad ...

133 Irregular verbs find, give, have

今天我们将学习两个新的不规则动词find-found(找到)与give-gave(给)并复习have-had(有)。请学习以下例句:I found my phone.(我找到了我的手机)I found my ear rings.(我找到了我的耳环)I found my ring.(我找到了我的戒指)I gave my mom a book.(我给了我妈妈一本书) I gave my sister chocolate.(我给了我妹妹巧克力) I gave my boyfriend ...

134 Irregular verbs know, leave, make

今天我们将学习两个新的不规则动词know-knew(知道)与leave-left(离开)并复习动词make-made(做)。请学习以下例句:My grandma knew many things.(我奶奶知道很多事)My grandma didn’t know many things.(我奶奶不曾知道很多事情)Did your grandma know many things?(你奶奶以前知道很多事情吗)My mom left for work.(我妈妈去工作了)My sister left for school.(我妹妹去学校)My mom didn’t ...

135 Irregular verbs mean, meet, pay

今天我们将学习两个新的不规则动词speak-spoke(说话)与pay-paid(支付)并复习动词meet-met(遇见)。Yesterday I spoke to my mother.(昨天我和我妈妈谈话了)Yesterday I didn’t speak to my father.(昨天我没有和我爸爸谈话)Did you speak to your friends yesterday? (昨天你和你朋友谈话了吗)Yesterday I paid my water bill.(昨天我付了我的水费)Yesterday I ...

136 Irregular verbs run, read, put

今天我们将学习两个新的不规则动词run-ran(跑步)与put-put(放)并复习不规则动词read(阅读)。请学习以下例句:I ran 5 kilometers yesterday.(昨天我跑了5公里)My mother didn’t run yesterday.(昨天我妈妈没跑步)Did you run last week?(上周你跑步了吗)I put my cellphone on the table.(我在桌子上放了我的手机)I put my pencil on the chair.(我把我的铅笔放在了椅子上) ...

137 Irregular verbs say, sing, sit

今天我们将学习三个新的不规则动词say-said(说),sing-sang(唱歌),sit-sat(坐)。一起来学习以下几个肯定句的例句:Yesterday she said something wrong.(昨天她说了错的东西)My mother sang a beautiful song.(我妈妈唱了一首好听的歌)The children sat nicely.(小朋友坐得很好)在否定句中,我们同样需要使用didn’t,而在疑问句中我们同样将助动词did提至句首。

138 Irregular verbs see, send, sleep

今天我们将学习两个新的不规则动词sleep-slept(睡觉)与send-sent(寄,发送)并复习see-saw(看见)。首先来学习以下几个句子:Yesterday I slept very well.(昨天我睡得很好)Yesterday I didn’t sleep very well. (昨天我没有睡得很好)Did you sleep well yesterday? (昨天你睡得好吗)Yesterday my mother sent me a text message.(昨天我妈妈给我发了一条短信)I didn’t send ...

139 Past of be was and were

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora el pasado del verb be: was and were. En las clases pasadas hemos estndiado irregular verbs  Share, ...

140 Was and were

今天我们继续学习一般过去时的Be动词。Be动词的过去时根据人称的变化将做出如下改变:I was(我是),He/She/It was(他/她/它是),You were(你是),We were(我们是),They were(他们是)。一起来学习如下例句:I was a good student.(我曾是一名好学生)My brother was a good student.(我哥哥曾是一名好学生) I was home yesterday.(昨天我在家) My mom was home yesterday. (昨天我妈妈在家)They ...

141 Was and were - affirmative, negative and interrogative

今天我们继续学习Be动词的过去时,be动词的过去时为was与were。当人称为单数时,be动词的过去时使用was,而当人称为复数时,be动词的过去时使用were。请参看以下例句:She was my friend.(她是我的朋友)She was not my friend.(她不是我的朋友)Was she my friend?(她是我的朋友吗)针对这一问题的回答可以是Yes, she was.(是的,她曾是我的朋友)No, she wasn’t. (不,她以前不是我的朋友)再来学习以下句子:He was in New York.(他以前在纽约)He wasn’t in New York.(他以前不在纽约)Was he ...

142 Was and were +, -, ?

上节课我们学习的be动词在单数人称下的过去时was,今天我们将学习其在复数人称下的过去时were。请参看以下句子:They were friends. (他们曾是朋友)They were not friends. (他们不曾是朋友)Were they friends?(他们曾经是朋友吗)We were in Beijing yesterday.(昨天我们在北京)We weren’t in Beijing yesterday.(我们昨天不在北京)Were we in Beijing yesterday?(我们昨天在北京吗)请试着回答以下问题:Were you in Shanghai ...

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