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A tradition for weddings in Venezuela

今天我们将谈论委内瑞拉的婚礼。Weddings around the world have different traditions.(世界各地的婚礼有不同的传统)Venezuela is no exception.(委内瑞拉也不例外)During the wedding ceremony, couples promise they will always love each other, take care of each other.(在婚礼上,新人承诺永远爱对方、照顾对方)In Venezuela, the bride and the groom sneak away during the party.(在委内瑞拉,新人将从婚礼派对上溜走)If no one sees them leave, they’ll going to have good luck in their marriage.(如果没有人发现,那么他们的婚姻就有好运)If someone sees them leaving, then it’s bad luck.(如果有人看见,那么就会有不好的运气)So all these traditions have in common one thing.(这些传统都有一些共同之处)They are all mentioning ‘Good luck’ for your marriage.(它们都会提及婚姻的好运)What kind of tradition do you do in China to bring good luck in your marriage?(中国人有哪些传统会给婚姻带来好运呢)In the United States, the bride needs to wear blue. Something blue, something old and something is a present.(在美国,新娘要穿蓝颜色,穿着一些蓝色的东西、一些旧物件还有一些礼物)In Brazil, the groom cannot see the bride until the day of the wedding.(在巴西,新郎在婚礼当天之前都不能见新娘)If the groom sees the bride already in her dress, it’s the terrible terrible luck for the wedding.(如果新郎在婚礼之前就见到新娘穿着婚纱,那么他们的婚姻就有厄运)In China, you can see the bride before the wedding.(在中国,新郎可以在婚前就见新娘)Usually, the groom picks up the bride in her house, right?(通常新郎会去新娘家迎接)For us in Brazil, that’s crazy!(而这在巴西是很疯狂的事情)现在请回答以下几个问题:What is the tradition for wedding in Venezuela?(委内瑞拉婚礼有什么传统)What is the tradition for birthdays in China?(中国的生日有什么传统)Do you remember how do people celebrate new year in Mexico? What do they do?(你还记得墨西哥人是怎么庆祝新年的吗)




