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A tradition for birthdays in China

今天我们将谈论中国人如何庆祝生日。In China, there is an interesting birthday tradition for infants.(在中国,人们在给新生婴儿过生日时有个有趣的传统)A baby is 1 year old the day he or she is born.(婴儿刚出生的那天就算作一岁)1 year later, friends and relatives get together for the baby’s second birthday.(一年之后,朋友亲戚会聚在一起给孩子过第二个生日)They put several objects in front of the baby.(他们会在孩子面前放几件东西)Some money, a doll, a book and then they let the baby pick one of those objects.(一些钱、一个娃娃、一本书,然后他们让婴儿自己选一件东西)If the baby picks up the money, then it means he or she is going to be wealthy.(如果婴儿选择钱,那意味着他或她将变得富有)If the baby reaches for the book, it means the baby is going to be very smart. Probably a teacher.(如果孩子选择了书,这意味着孩子以后会变得很聪明,或许能当老师)And if the baby picks up the doll, it means the baby is going to have a lot of children one day.(如果孩子选择了娃娃,这意味着孩子以后可能会养育很多子女)


