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Celebrations: graduation day, Halloween, wedding

上节课我们学习了庆祝情人节、除夕夜和生日,今天我们将学习其他三个节日:Graduation Day(毕业典礼)、Wedding(婚礼)和Halloween(万圣夜)。You can graduate from school, from college, from university, usually in your Graduation Day you wear a black gown, you wear a hat, you go and take your diploma.(你可以从高中、学院、大学毕业,通常你在毕业典礼上会穿黑色礼服、戴帽子,你会领取你的学位)Your parents are there, they take pictures, and a lot of people talk.(你的父母会出场,他们拍照片,许多人交谈)It’s a very happy day.(这是个非常好的日子)How was your GRADUATION DAY?(你的毕业典礼怎么样)Do you think graduating from school and graduating from college is different?(你觉得从高中毕业与从大学毕业有什么不同)Wedding is very important usually from the bride and groom. (婚礼对于新郎和新娘都很重要)It’s something they prepare for a long time, they invite many people. (人们为婚礼准备很久,他们会邀请很多人)The bride plans her dress, usually a white dress.(新娘会准备自己的裙子,通常是白色的裙子)The groom plans his suit, right?(新郎会准备自己的礼服)In China, there’s a lot of wedding traditions, post here on your comments your wedding traditions. (在中国有许多婚礼传统,请在这里评论说一下你所知道的婚礼传统)What is your favorite Chinese wedding tradition.(什么是你最喜欢的婚礼传统)Halloween is celebrated on OCT.31st. (万圣夜是10月31日)It’s the night before All Hallows Day. That’s why it’s called Halloween. (万圣夜是万圣节前夕,因此得名)Usually, people wear costumes to go outside and ask for treats or tricks. (通常人们会穿着戏服外出,让他人招待他们或者捣蛋)Children enjoy Halloween very much because they ask for candy.(孩子们很喜欢万圣夜,因为他们可以向人们要糖吃)Halloween is originally from England. Actually, from Scotland.(万圣夜起源于英国,事实上起源于苏格兰)It was celebrated from a long time ago before All Hallows Day because Scottish people got their ghosts in their streets.(人们庆祝万圣夜的历史比庆祝万圣节要长远得多,苏格兰人认为他们的鬼魂游走在街头) So they should go out wearing their costume, and the ghosts wouldn’t recognize them.(所以他们应当穿着戏服,这样鬼魂就无法辨认出他们)And now, we only wear costumes for fun.(而现在我们穿着戏服只是为了玩乐) And children enjoy Halloween very much.(孩子们非常喜欢万圣夜) The countries where Halloween is very important are England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and obviously the United States and Canada.(万圣夜对于英格兰、爱尔兰、苏格兰、威尔士、美国与加拿大都很重要)


