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New Year's Eve in Mexico

Although many people around the world celebrate the same events, these celebrations can be quite different.(尽管世界各地的人们会庆祝同样的节日,但是庆祝方式会十分不同)We found an interesting tradition for celebrating New Year’s Eve in Mexico.(我们发现墨西哥人庆祝除夕夜有个有趣的传统)In Mexico, people celebrate the start of the new year getting together.(在墨西哥,人们聚在一起庆祝新年的开始)Friends and family on New Year’s Eve have a special dinner.(朋友家人在除夕夜会吃一次特别的晚餐) And when the clock strikes midnight, everyone starts eating grapes, one for each month of the next year.(当午夜的钟声响起时,每个人开始吃葡萄,每一颗代表着来年的每一个月) So you eat twelve grapes. Just like in Spain, that’s also a Spanish tradition.(人们会吃12颗葡萄,这和西班牙一样,西班牙人也有这样的传统) A sweet grape means the month is going to be a good one.(吃到甜的葡萄意味着这个月将会很美好)If the grape is sour, then the month is not going to be so good.(如果吃到酸葡萄,那么对应的月份可能不会很好) So they’d better choose better grapes, so all of them are very sweet.(那么人们最好都选择好的葡萄,这样它们都会很甜)现在请回答以下问题:How many grapes do Mexican people eat in their New Year’s Eve’s celebration?(墨西哥人在除夕夜要吃几颗葡萄)Why do they eat these grapes?(他们为什么要吃葡萄)Do you eat grapes on New Year’s Eve?(你在除夕夜会吃葡萄吗)What do you do at home when you celebrate New Year’s Eve?(你庆祝除夕夜时会在家做什么)Do you enjoy New Year’s Eve?(你喜欢除夕夜吗)


