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Different trips part 1

今天我们将谈论的话题是A beach vacation(海滩度假)。What do you take with you to a vacation of a beach?(你去海滩边度假要带什么)To go to the beach, we need to take a bathing suit, or bikini.(去海滩边,我们要带上泳衣或者比基尼)We need to take a sunscreen because the sun is very strong.(我们需要带防晒霜,因为阳光十分强烈)We need to take credit cards, money, documents.(我们需要带上信用卡、现金、文件)We need to take shampoo sometimes, conditioner for the hair.(有时我们需要带上洗发水、护发素)It’s good to take a wallet.(带上钱包)You need to take shorts, T-shirts.(你需要带上短裤、T恤)For girls, we can take dresses.(女生可以带上裙子)Don’t forget to take your sandals, especially flip flops.(不要忘记带上凉鞋、拖鞋)So what do you take for a beach vacation?(那么你去海滩会带什么呢)Do you like going to the beach?(你喜欢去海滩吗)


Tourism, Life, People


