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Different trips part 4

Review things you need when you go for a trip (复习出行所需带的物品). A bathing suit (泳衣). Sandals (凉鞋). A towel (毛巾). Sunglasses (墨镜). A cap (帽子). A cellphone (手机). A notebook (笔记本). A tablet (平板电脑). Your business card (商务名片). Leaflets of your company (公司传单). When you go camping (当你露营). When you go to relax (当你休闲). A tent (帐篷). A sleeping bag (睡袋). A first-aid kit (急救箱). A GPS (GPS定位系统). A pair of scissors (剪刀). A knife (小刀). A camera (相机). A cellphone with camera (有摄像功能的手机). Flashlight (手电筒). Batteries (电池). A soap (肥皂). A shampoo (洗发水). A conditioner (护发素). Sunscreen (防晒霜). Makeup (化妆品). Things we need to take when we travel (我们旅行时要带的物品). If you travel by plane (如果你乘飞机). It's a good idea to take travel-size toiletries (带旅行装的卫生用品). Essential things (必需品). Soap, shampoo (肥皂、洗发水). Conditioner (护发素). Toothbrush (牙刷). Toothpaste (牙膏). In small size (小套装). Comment 5 things you take when you travel (说出你旅行时带的5件物品). See you next class! (下节课见)


