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Different trips part 5

I read a sentence (我阅读一个句子). 3 options to complete this sentence… (有三个选项). Vocabulary we've seen (都是我们学习过的词汇). When you go on a trip and you want to clean your teeth you take a toothbrush and ___ (当你外出旅行时,你想清洁你的牙齿,你带上牙刷和 ___). Toothpaste (牙膏). Tent (帐篷). Soap (肥皂). To protect your skin at the beach you use ____ (在海滩边保护你的皮肤,你会使用 ___). A pair of scissors (一副剪刀). Makeup (化妆品). Sunscreen (防晒霜). To wear in bed you normally take ____ (睡觉时你通常要带___). Your jeans (你的牛仔裤). Your pajamas (你的睡衣裤). Your sandals (你的凉鞋). To wash your hair, you take ____ (洗头发时你带上___). A soap (肥皂). A toothpaste (牙膏). A shampoo (洗发水). When you go camping and you want to keep warm at night, you take ____ (当你露营时,晚上你要保持温暖你会带 ___). A flashlight (手电筒). A sleeping bag (睡袋). An insect repellent (防蚊剂).  Be VIP at www.youspeaknow.com (成为现学现说的VIP吧). See you next class! (下节课见)



