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Different trips part 6

If you want to shave, you take ___ (如果你要刮胡子,你会带___). A razor (剃须刀). A soap (肥皂). A towel (毛巾). When you go camping (你露营时). If you're afraid of getting hurt, you take ___ (如果你担心受伤,你会带___). A first-aid kit (急救包). A towel (毛巾). Batteries (电池). For your flashlight and your camera, you normally take ___ (你会为手电筒和照相机准备___). Makeup (化妆品). Batteries (电池). Pajamas (睡衣). To keep your feet cool when it's hot, you wear ___ (天气热时,为了让脚凉快你会穿 ___). Sandals (凉鞋). Sunscreen (防晒霜). A hat (帽子). If there are insects and mosquitoes, you normally take ___ (如果有昆虫和蚊子,你会带___). Insect repellent (驱虫剂). Makeup (化妆品). Sunscreen (防晒霜). When you need to sleep in a protected place when you go camping (你露营时需要睡觉). Tent (帐篷). T-shirt (T恤). Scissors (剪刀). When you need to know your position when you're traveling (你在旅行时需要知道自己的位置). Umbrella (雨伞). GPS (GPS定位). Bathing suit (泳衣). Comment your answers here (在此给出你的答案). I want to see your answers (我想知道你的回答). Complete the exercises at www.youspeaknow.com (请至我们的网站完成这节课的练习). Be VIP! (成为我们的VIP吧). See you next class! (我们下节课见)



