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Infinitives for reasons part 2

今天我们将学习一个句型:It is adj. to do sth.(做某事很…),我们在adj.处使用形容词来描述做事情怎样。请参看以下例句:It’s important to speak English.(说英语很重要)It’s not important to speak English.(说英语不重要)Is it important to speak English?(说英语重要吗)It’s hard to travel in China.(在中国旅行很困难)It’s not hard to travel in China.(在中国旅行不困难)Is it hard to travel in China?(在中国旅行困难吗)Where do you think it’s hard to travel to, and why?(你觉得在哪里旅行困难,为什么)It’s nice to travel with friends.(和朋友们旅行很好)It’s not nice to travel alone.(独自旅行不好)Is it nice to travel with friends?(和朋友们旅行好吗)Do you prefer to travel with friends or alone?(你喜欢和朋友们一起旅行还是独自旅行)It’s good to speak English, especially when you want to travel.(会说英语很好,尤其是在你要旅行的时候)It’s not good to speak English. (说英语不好)Is it good to speak English when you want to travel?(当你旅行的时候说英语好吗)It’s not easy to find bargains online.(在网上找到便宜货不容易)Is it easy to find bargains online?(在网上很容易找到便宜货吗)



