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Subjects we study at school part 1

今天我们将讨论的话题是School subjects(学校科目)。我们今天要学习的科目有:History(历史)Geography(地理)Economics(经济学)以及Literature(文学)。In China, you study Chinese and Chinese literature.(在中国,你们学习语文和汉语言文学)I studied Portuguese and Portuguese literature.(我学习葡萄牙语和葡萄牙语文学)I studied general history and Brazil’s history.(我学习全球历史与巴西历史)In China you study Chinese history because Chinese history is very very very long.(在中国你们学习中国历史因为中国历史非常长)Brazil’s history is very short.(巴西的历史十分短)So, we have time to study all other history in the world.(因此我们有充足的世界学习世界历史)Geography I studied and so did you, right?(我还学习地理,你们也学习地理,对吗)Until even high school.(直到高中还继续学习)I studied geography in high school, too.(我在高中也学习地理)Economics, in Brazil we don’t study until university.(在巴西,人们直到大学才会学习经济学)What about in China?(中国是怎样的呢)Do you study economics?(你们学习经济学吗)I studied economics in my university.(我在大学里学习的经济学)Did you like to study history?(你喜欢学习历史吗)Did you like geography?(你喜欢地理吗)Were you a good literature student?(你文学学得好吗)


